
How To Use Different Oil Press To Make Various Vegetable Oil

Are you planning to start an oil press business? Are you want to know the ways to press various edible vegetable oil? Are you worried about how to build an oil press factory? Are you want to know which machine do you need to start an oil press factory? In this article will tell you the answer.

How to make groundnut oil?
Like most common nuts, groundnut can be turned into oil which is known as peanut oil or groundnut oil. It is a kind of light yellow transparent edible oil with clear color and lecture and widely used in cooking, including frying, basting, and the manufacturer of margarine and shortenings. It is not only widely used in China, South and Southeast Asia, it is also popular in the United States. Groundnut oil making process, based on mechanical pressing technology, is generally grouped into three stages: groundnut seeds preparation, groundnut pressing and rude groundnut oil refining. The most core equipment is an automatic oil press machine. 

how to make groundnut oil by automatic oil press machine?  how to make peanut oil by integrated oil press machine?

How to make soybean oil?
Soybean oil is an edible oil with a light and clean flavor which is extracted from the soybean seeds that is commonly used for cooking. In order to process soybean oils from soybeans, soybean oil pressing machinery is necessary. Soybean oil press machine designed by Double-lion Machinery is the advanced oil processing machinery, characterized by the high oil output rate with good quality, simple design, easy to use and continuous operation. They also can be used for various raw materials, such as peanut, beans, rape and cotton seeds, sesame, olive, sunflower, coconut, grass seed etc.

In order to get the soybean oil, you need five steps, the soybean cleaning, crushing, extrusion process, flaking and drying process.

How to make soybean oil by integrated oil press with how press process    How to make soybean oil by automatic oil press with hot press

How to make palm oil?
Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil derived from the fruit of the oil palms. It is the second largest vegetable oil varieties in the production, consumption and international trade volume, only ranking after soybean oil. At present,  Malaysia and Indonesia are the two largest palm oil producing countries in the world. Besides, there are many palm oil mills in Africa, such as Nigeria, Ethiopia, Congo, Ivory Coast, etc. Eleven steps you need to get the palm oil, such as weighing, unloading fruit, digestion of the fruit, threshing(removal of fruit from the bunches), pressing(extracting the palm oil), clarification and drying of oil, fiber separation, nucleolar separation, palm kernel press oil, steam boilers, sewage treatment.

How to make palm oil | Double-lion Machinery

How to make sunflower oil?
Sunflower is one of the most important oilseed crops in the world and sunflower oil is one of the most popular oils in the world’s market which is pressed by sunflower oil press machine from sunflower seeds. Starting and running a successful oil business requires the best oil pressing machinery and professional oil processing knowledge. The sunflower oil pressing machine usually comes in two variants conventional and automatic and is made in China. The choice of conventional or automatic depends on the requirements of the production. The conventional machine features oil pressing process to be performed manually using screw press and the automatic oil press machine features automatic pressing due to the availability of vacuum filters. The price of the machine changes with the configuration, size, and capacity of the machine. To meet higher production requirements, machines with higher capacities are available.

How to make sunflower oil by sunflower oil press|automatic oil press machineHow to make sunflower oil by automatic oil press machine
How to make sesame oil?
Sesame oil also called gingelly or til oil, which is an edible vegetable oil derived from sesame seeds. It is mostly used as cooking oil in many countries, and also used as a flavor enhancer in Middle Eastern, African, and Southeast Asiancuisines. Sesame oil is mostly getting by sesame oil press machine, which also called hydraulic oil press machine. Hydraulic oil press mainly suitable for pressing sesame, walnut kernels, tea seeds, almonds, etc. that contains low-fat crop. Due to his little capacity and short-time processing, it is considered as a kind of ideal oil press equipment for home use or small-scale plants.

How to make sesame oil by sesame oil press machine|hydraulic oil press machine  How to make sesame oil by hydraulic oil press machine | Sesame oil press machine

How to make flaxseed oil?
Flaxseed oil, which is also known as linseed oil or flax oil in much of the world, it is a colorless to yellowish oil obtained from the dried, ripened seeds of the flax plant. The oil is usually obtained by automatic oil press machine. Flaxseed oil can be divided into cold pressed flaxseed oil and hot pressed flaxseed oil, the raw materials of the two production methods are the same, are all pressed with flaxseed, but the production process is different. The automatic oil press machine can help you make hot or cold flaxseed oil. 
How to make flaxseed oil by automatic oil press machine|flaxseed oil press machine  How to make linseed oil by linseed oil press machine | integrated oil press machine

Zhengzhou Double-lion Grain & Oil Machinery Co.,ltd Provide Professional Oil Press machine Manufacture and Technological Guidance, If you want to start an oil business, please contact us!

How to Get in Touch with Zhengzhou Double lion Oil Press Machine Manufacturer
Email: ada@zzdoublelion.com
Wechat: +8618937672012 (Ada)  
Add:Lotus street NO.100,Hi-tech development zone, Zhengzhou, Henan, China.